Inputs for High-Volume Inserters

Overview | Resources |
Pitney Bowes offers two lines of inputs based on our customers’ business needs. The Advanced Productivity Inputs (API) line includes sheet feeders, cutters and bursters that process high volume applications. The High Productivity Input (HPI) line is a new generation of servo-powered inputs with APS™ technologies inside to enable high productivity and high speed feeding.
HPI Benefits
- Servo technology powers speed and accuracy
- High productivity with less frequent stopping
- Vacuum-based separation to ensure consistent performance
- Customers can process more mail per shift with increased input uptime
- Volume flexibility to take on new jobs while continuing to meet SLAs
- Fast action to process a higher number of pages per envelope with vacuum feeder technology
- Input intelligence integrated with Direct Connect to guaranty high integrity mail
API Benefits
- 'Roll-away' modular units can be moved and changed easily to maximize system uptime
- Configurations meet needs of variable printing processes
- Design emphasizes recovery, diagnostics, setup and adjustment needs with unmatched reliability
- Eliminate the need for a dedicated machine for a particular application, offering one flexible input that can process ALL your applications
- Power input intelligence and integrity with API compatibility to the Direct Connect™ operating platform