Olympus® II Single Tier Outgoing Mail Sorter

Overview | Features | Resources |
Now Available with Complete Full Service Intelligent Mail® Barcode Capabilities!
Starting November 2009 the United States Postal Service® will provide an extra $.003 per mailpiece discount for mailers utilizing Full Service Intelligent Mail barcodes. The Olympus II Single Tier Outgoing Mail Sorting Solution can help you gain access to this discount by printing Intelligent Mail barcodes with unique piece IDs on each mailpiece, printing unique Intelligent Mail tray and pallet tags, and complying with electronic MAIL.DAT submission standards.
For a clear picture of your postage savings options, the mail operations experts from Pitney Bowes can analyze a representative snapshot of your mailstream and create a customized analysis and proposal. Taking into account daily mail volume, ZIP CodeTM allocations, potential machine ownership and labor costs, outsourcing options and more, our FREE, no obligation analysis can help you objectively determine the profit potential of an in-house sorting operation.
- Leverage your sorter investment with flats and/or inbound sorting
- Obtain deeper postage discounts and improved mail piece deliverability
- Enjoy greater throughput using world-class OCRs with handwriting recognition for exceptional read rates
- Maximize productivity with unsurpassed up-time and ease of service
- Handle a wide variety of mail types using built-in features for superior mail handling
- Optional chutes pockets easily sort and assemble flat mail and keep each piece direction oriented
Value-Add Features
- Four printer locations using state-of-the-art Imaje continuous inkjet printer
- Data connectivity provides for real-time access to machine processing data for internal reporting
- Optional inline labeling system affixes labels for barcode repair and slick stock mail processing
- Optional doubles detector identifies and outsorts misfeeds