Portrait Explorer

Overview | Key Features | Resources |
Self-service access to customer insight will reduce the barriers to data-driven marketing
Portrait Explorer makes navigating and understanding your customer data as easy as using your digital photo album. With its completely intuitive approach, non-technical users are able to slice and dice customer data on the fly, quickly identifying target customer segments and sharing results across teams.
Customers at your fingertips
Portrait Explorer lets you visually explore your customer data. Real customers from your database are displayed as “customer cards” that provide an immediately accessible dashboard of each individual, displaying key customer metrics in the style of collectible trading cards.
Uncompromised performance
Portrait Explorer is built on our high-performance analytics engine to scale effortlessly to tens or hundreds of millions of customers, with thousands of attributes for each. Different from your BI tool, Portrait Explorer is optimised specifically for customer understanding. You can work interactively with the detailed customer data giving you full control to make whatever selections or segmentations while seeing results in seconds, even when deployed to hundreds of users.
Targeting by design
Portrait Explorer is built to simplify the process of defining exactly the right customers, whether as the audience for an inbound or outbound marketing interaction, to identify under-served or misunderstood segments, or simply to deliver precisely targeted business insight. Portrait Explorer enables a true “train of thought” process for customer selection.
Keys Features of our Rapid Data Insight Solution
- Self-service: Free skilled analyst resources to focus on higher-value tasks as business and marketing users are empowered to make informed decisions, often more effectively.
- Unrestricted power: Support interactive “train-of-thought” analysis, with no limits on data volume, detail or flexibility.
- Easy to use: A built-for-purpose browser-based solution allows users to get on with the business at hand without obstacles due to training, technology, or moving data between tools.
- Actionability: Allow users to get the results they want where they need them, including integration with Microsoft® Excel, and publishing of targeting rules directly to interaction management tools.